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What Does THIS Specific New Year Mean For You ??

Follow the yellow brick road.

What transformations lie ahead for you in the next 365 days ??

Might you wonder about all the possible vast changes ahead  ??

Will this new year be unusually monumentally epic for you ??

What will you see & experience differently this new year ??

How many new things will you  :

Learn. See. Accept. & Become. And Let Go of.

Milestone markers from the past years are recalled in terms of vivid memories

of spectacular unforgettable events that have taken place.

How many were planned ? How many were whoohoo surprises ??

Photo albums filled with imagery from your days of yore.

Oh my god I remember that day. The gospel choir sang. Seems like it was just yesterday. Why I feel like I haven’t aged a single gosh darn it day since. I was so flipping high I was walking on air. Look at that smile. I was sooo happy. That day will live with me forever.

And, oh, ah yes, oh my, yes, there she is, my good-old forever soul-sister always there for me friend who is no longer here with me. I miss you so much Moonica. Love you girl. Poof.

How can we anticipate this new year & maintain a fresh outlook ??

Make each day a brand new day in this next new brand new New Year ??

What I’m clearing my throat ahem & is Talkin’Bout  :

here’s an example for clarification :

or … specifically, cleee-air-iffy-kay-shone y’all :

On Thanksgiving this past year our plans turned out this year to be : be home now.

That is how it unfolded. We decided to experiment with this new found freedom.

We found some outrageous Indian recipes, went to the grocery, accumulated

all these oh so bizarro new to us ingredients, and together, side by side

elbow grease to elbow grease in the kitchen cooked up all these exotic Indian dishes

for our giving thanks Thanksgiving meal.

Are you kidding me … ?? the meal was so sumptuous so aromatic so delicious so flavorful so off the wall and into our tummies good. Yummy in the tummy.  The house smell of curry for days. What an olfactory delight to have an inhaling remembrance of the meal, days after our meal !! I was thankful for the sheer ease & beauty of our poof ! impromptu holiday choices. Besides being so very thankful for the invention of spices.

When Christmas popped up, we decided to just be home again, and to repeat our successful Thanksgiving Indian cooking experiment. We found some other assorted dishes for our Christmas meal. Not only that, when thee one & only official Christmas Day appeared, we were beat and so we reheated leftover yum homemade pizza, instead, for dinner that night. Our big Indian dinner was gladly celebrated on the following open-minded day. No biggie fry. No biggy meal deal. We be hang loose. We be kick back jack. We be warm & cosy & chill.

What a dynamic duo of memorable holidays.

A new synergetic duet of noteworthiness.

We & the food all together as a whole.

Voila !! See voo plate.

My past Thanksgiving holidays have been spent with the you know who people : The Family. Many times many years including days & days of extensive travel. To be with my faraway grandma, grandpa, the in-laws. And in all those many many years, we’re Talkin’Bout :

you know what. Turkey. Dressing. Cranberries. Same turkey same mashed potatoes same gravy, yet different kinds of stuffing depending upon the cook. Whole long life time. Identical.  Same same. The normally regular routinely usual.

Prearranged predetermined preconceived notions. Par for the course. Middle of the road. Run of the mill. No brain firing neurons needed here. Since the beginning of time.

And, yes, it is true, all very predictably massively fun occasions. Tradition is good.

Tradition is good. Yet yet yet some times cracking open to daylight the moldly mold is good, too. All those past in a blur Thanksgivings homogenizing from one into another.

I do declare and promote for this next new year a breaking of the mold year.

A disruption of the status quo all way round in all parts of one’s life.

Fireworks. Bang a gong.

What the difference here, is, what I am Talkin’Bout : mix it up, alter, shuffle the  cards,

ignite and rearrange those lazy brain cells, find a new recipe, turn up the lights.

Undergo a change of pace. Vary, revamp, let go of that rubber stamp, boogie and woogie. Think inside and outside the box. Stimulate all 5 senses. Add color to.

Throw off the shackles. Release the Kraken !!

Or another poetic way to say : when handed lemons make a big old classic

Cadillac margarita and not some lip puckering sour dour tasting lemonade.

Might the key to keeping a new year new is to adapt adjust stay super yellow mellow cool and be somewhat open minded towards opening up that dark cavernous inner sanctum, otherwise known as, The Mind ??  These kind-of words come to mine mind : pioneer, innovate, go off the beaten track, jump, buck tradition, break ground, invent, trail blaze, create, revolutionary, new-fashioned, and overall not be blahgish or stagnate.

With all this now in my mind, or, in my “pointed little head,” as my dad would say … today,

Today !! I write anew !! And with purpose.

I have actually turned my days of somewhat robotic existence into new days

full of surprises. All of a sudden I am excited most all of the time. The reason ??

Because I took a stand for me myself eye. Because I do declare and proclaim that my health is important. Because of this lone single decision, all these shockwaves all these consequential repercussions have unfolded trailing following along with on this new take a stand path with this one stand up on my feet and proclaim the time is now decision. Here Ye.

I joined Weight Watchers. I go to their workshops and talk and meet people. I learn about new foods. Fun. Yesterday I ate a zero point cheesecake that was In-credible along with an iced hazelnut coffee that was the best. Never knew these foods were out there.

Or even existed. Things like vanilla powder which is stronger than vanilla flavoring and monk fruit sweetener made from Buddha fruit which is better for you than sugar and much more sweeter if you can imagine. I am on fire. My taste buds are freaking out trying all these brand new flavors that do not contain sugar or fats.

I have cracked open the not feeling good about myself hard headed cranium time to come outta there and really live shell. Make your debut and seek further your true potential the sky’s not the limit c’mon let’s go self. No more mindless ingesting tasteless fatty salty snacks. No more evenings automaton - ically gulping alcohol. No more gobble gobble.

My mind now switched “on” & mind-full of what I absorb into meself now.

What a brand new day. Praise be.

When arriving at Weight Watchers as a now new once long ago former  member,

I was asked, why was I there. You know the drill already true ? Yes, I answered,

I know the tools. I slowly accumulated my current weight over time, is how I framed my answer back and left it at that. I decided to resolutely keep my past maladies

out of the current picture frame. The really realistic I know why reason for my weight gain was a side affect of the back surgery & healing & not being able to move & sitting on my butt for almost one and a half years. Of course I duh gained weight.  Yet yet yet.

Here is the beauty. Here is the shiny object to contemplate. I am not there anymore.

I am here. The horrific back ordeal is all over with. Da-Done !!

I have determined to go beyond that and not include that story into my now.

I declare and separate that story from my new story. No need to feel sorry about past myself. No need to include any hints of excuse makings to rely on fall back on or

fall down on. This is where I am. This is me healed. And a further part of the healing process is dropping the weight so I can feel like my true fired up sparks flying self once more.

I came to this conclusion of not allowing the history of my oh woe is me back surgery

to even be a part of my losing weight story, because of the example from one of the members I met at Weight Watchers my first day. She sat down next to me. Never met her. Do not know this woman. The first thing she said to me was : “I fell down over there earlier this morning.” No hello. Just started off with how she fell down. She had a walker and I replied, “Are you ok ??” “Oh yes.” She said. Then she said, she  “fell down 4 times lately.” And I looked at her and realized, I am NOT including my past back problems into my current reality. I learned from somebody as an example of how not to Be. Or to Become.

Or to Stay. Fixed in the past, even if it was only just earlier this morning or earlier this drag downer mourning. How do you want to look at it ?? Carry your sorrows around and share them with others ?? Or let them go and be free. Why one could then be able to share their joys with each other. Lift each other up. I like it girlfriend.

Weight Watchers provided me with a complete let go of the past freedom.

Weight Watchers has absolutely no idea the scope of transformation & the lifting of the load I had carried into their workshop that had been instantly released all on that very first brand new day.

And to think it happen from an exchange

of a few casual transcendent words

between strangers.

I am really ready to fly now.

Hold on…wait a gosh darn minute…

before I fly off into the sunset,

let’s have some more of that zero cheesecake

along with a cup of that crazy good hazelnut iced coffee.

So many of their recipes have yes ! curry.

Ittsa spicy spicy brand new day.

You fall down. You get up. Again and again. Sometimes a cane is needed to keep you going it’s so tough. You fall down. You get up. Down. UP. One keeps getting up in order to climb up higher & higher to those really wheely wow scenic peaks. Those mind-blowing look-out vistas. You know the ones, the ones with all the stars shining high overhead. You conquer a brand new trail every single damn breaking day. Over & over. A brand spanking new shiny glittery path every single day. You go girl.


Ps. Love you Moonica. You’re still here every day for me girlfriend,

if only I could tell you, if only you knew. I’m sure you do know because :

you are you and I am me and we are all together girl.

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