* visual shindigs *
here there & everywhere
what you once thought was ordinary
- - - - * glance again * - - - -
local overlooked scenery now chronicled for the very first time as you have never seen it
the world as you once knew it
is no longer the same
seeing is believing
I offer you a brand new brave new way of * glimpsing * at the real world :
***** Starring *****
thee one & only .... Guemes Island
the aesthetically artistic ... LaConner,
the down to earth ... county fairgrounds,
the fauna of ... Lake Padden,
kick-backed .... Snohomish,
progressive ... Bellingham,
low-key ... Bow-Edison,
& ( the bee's) ... knees.

There is so much beauty all around that we do not notice.
Beauty is therapeutically restorative.
It gives us ahhh pause to reflect.
It gives meaning to our crazy
hi-speed coo coo kachoo world.
"I got saved by the beauty of the world."
- Mary Oliver.
I yoo hoo remind myself time & again to stop
and yes ! appreciate my surroundings.
To take a teeny wink of time
to blink & discover
all those hidden gems,
those little bitty pockets of beauty
that are filled with
stupendous wonderful visual happenings.
Beauty is everywhere and in everything.
One only needs to take the time to pause, notice, look, see :
shadowy shadows
reflecting reflections
shiny slick to rough tough textures,
the sensual curves of all things vintage,
the breath-taking spark of life present within all beings,
the graceful poetics of decay, age-ing, and weathering from the elements,
bright neon to faded pastel : the wide range of all the colors of the spectrum,
the structures that rise up next to us when we turn our gaze upwards,
the variety of decorative surfaces we walk upon when we look towards our feet,
optical illusions and perplexing juxtapositions that test the eye and reveal a rare ha !! surprising uncanny ?? .....
unreal reality
....... captivating magical sights in clear view
all these visual shindigs and varied visible happenings happening right before our eyes

fleeting beauty